Tuesday, May 25, 2010


 Although these writings are meant for newbies' (beginners), I assumed that my reader would have at least some rudimentary knowledge about the camera.
  1. I assumed you would know how to charge the camera battery (not more than 4 hours),
  2. How to format and insert the memory card (the storage medium that stores your images until you delete them, also what those numbers on the cards mean?) into the housing and
  3. How to switch on the camera.
These maybe simple to a seasoned shooter but they can be baffling to a newbie.  The Chinese has a saying for this, 'A new daughter-in-law in the house is just like a baby taking his first steps'!  In this case the daughter-in-law is the the newbie with the camera.

I remember how a simple task like switching on the camera had me befuddled for weeks.  The on/off switch of the Canon 40D has three positions instead two.  The front and back dials will only work in tandem if you put the switch onto the third position.  It took me two weeks before I figured out the reason why the camera was not doing what I wanted it to do!  I was too conceited and never referred to the manual.

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