Friday, March 5, 2010

Things you should know.

It goes without saying that we want nice and decent looking pictures. If you are reading this article you probably not getting what you want (no pun intended), you want to improve your skills or you have nothing better to read. Unless you intend to spend the rest of your life using the automatic mode in your camera then read on. (I am in caustic mode today owing to toothache. I just found out that the treatments I need will cost me RM2,300. Now I do not know which is more painful).

For a start these are the things that you must know when using a DSLR.

1. You cannot see your subject by looking at the back led screen. You have to look through the viewfinder. Don’t laugh. It happened to me and it was embarrassing.

2. Lens comes with a cover. Remember to remove cover before shooting. Always put cover into your pocket. If not you will be buying it for a long time.

3. Unless you have fully charged extra batteries on hand, then do not treat the led screen as a cinema. You will regret it when some fantastic photo opportunity comes along just when the camera runs out of battery from you showing the last 200 shots for the twentieth times.

4. Remember memory card have finite storage space. Unlike our brain, we have to transfers the data to some other source so that we can store new ones.

5. Always make sure your battery has juice (power). Better still invest in an extra battery. There are still places on this earth where you cannot charge your batteries. There is nothing more frustrating to know that you have a camera but no power! It is like a limp ****!

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